OK, the Trial is Over, What are we going to do about it?

February 7, 2009

Not about Ryan Frederick’s fate, that is his attorney’s job, but this trial has left us all at far greater risk than before.

Instead of learning form the experience, the police, if their FOP leadership is typical, feel vindicated in their dangerous tactics. The precedent established by this jury’s verdict will not likely be limited to those who are involved with drugs, so everyone will be inhibited in their willingness to aggressively defend their homes. Criminals engaged in home invasions will be emboldened by the knowledge that those upon whom they prey will have to consider the risk of prosecution if they do not allow criminals to enter their homes before resisting.  So, what do we do to set things right?

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Verdict in the Ryan Frederick Trial

February 4, 2009

As before, I will post John Wilburn’s account when it becomes available. Note that his post will be updated as more information becomes available this evening.

I heard from my son that a verdict had been reached as I was driving from work to the courthouse. I arrived too late to hear it, but John was there and we will hear from him later. The pre-sentencing arguments were in progress when I got there and the courtroom was locked. Sentencing is in the hands of the jury at this hour.

Frederick was found guilty of Voluntary Manslaughter, not guilty of use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, and guilty of possession of marijuana.  The sentencing range Read the rest of this entry »

Ryan Frederick Trial, Day 10

February 2, 2009

John Wilburn will report in stages this evening, I will post his accounts as they become available.

John’s Report post begins with Jury instructions at 9:35 PM – Part 2 Conway’s closing added 11:10 PM Part 3 Mr. Broccoletti’s closing added 1:45 AM. Ebert’s rebuttal added 2:05 AM

The Judge gave the jury their instructions on the law applicable to this case, and the Prosecution and Defense gave their closing arguments this afternoon. I got there just in time for Prosecutor Paul Ebert’s rebuttal before the jury was sent home for the night. With the prosecution having the last word, it is critical what the jurors will take to bed with them. Read the rest of this entry »

Ryan Frederick Trial, Day 8

January 29, 2009

We have an early report from John Wilburn on this morning’s blockbuster news.

So, what did Prosecutor Ebert know and when did he know it?

I just heard from John( 8:10 PM). Court recessed at 7:45PM, I will post his reports as they become available.

The remainder of John’s report posted at 3 AM

John’s report is long, as was the day. He was up late getting it done. It is worth taking the time to read it if you want to know what went on it court.

In an ealier post, I wrote of the testimony of the officers on the scene that I believed it to be true AS THEY SAW IT. I would assert that Frederick’s testimony is consistent with theirs AS HE SAW IT.

I will summarize and analyse later as time permits. I am working this morning but expect to be at the courthouse after lunch, if it is not all over by then.

Ryan Frederick Trial, Day 7, Being There

January 28, 2009

Part one of  John Wilburn’s account now posted, part two posted at 7 AM Thursday morning .

In the meantime, I was able to attend the afternoon session, after the Jury View of the house. Sometimes, you have to be there.

After the jury was brought in, Det. Roberts was called back to the stand questioned about the video of the re-enactment performed on March 20th of 2008 pursuant to a search warrant. Roberts testified the re-enactment varied from the actual night in a number of ways, Read the rest of this entry »

Frederick Trial Day 4 (Friday)

January 23, 2009

Today, before the jury was brought in, the defense asked the judge to compel the return of a witness. Det. Edward Winkelspecht was the first to interview Frederick after his arrest and could answer questions regarding Prosecutor Willet’s allegation that Frederick was “stoned out of his mind” and acted in a “drug induced rage.” Det. Winkelspecht was on the prosecution’s witness list, but without notice to the judge, he was allowed by the prosecution to leave for a BATF training course in Atlanta of several weeks duration.  Judge Arrington ruled he must be made available to testify.

Today’s testimony began with Det. Sergeant John Landfair, the team leader for the second team of seven officers assigned to simultaneous do a knock and announce search on the detached garage. Read the rest of this entry »

Twenty-five Seconds

January 22, 2009

I know the title is somewhat cryptic, but since this will be largely about confusion and uncertainty, that is as it should be.

Prior to bringing in the jury, Judge Arrington dealt with motions filed yesterday. The ruling on the  mistrial request was delayed at request of the defense pending upcoming testimony.The Jury view of the house is scheduled for Monday.

The Prosecution began its case today by calling Det. Shivers’ wife, Nicole, to testify about her life with her deceased husband and about his education and experience. She had no information to offer relevant to the case, but perhaps testifying will help bring her peace of mind, and it was certain the prosecution would find some way bring emotion into the case.

The bulk of the day was made up of testimony from officers who participated in the raid or were supervisors.  First was Capt. James Dunlap, commander of the Special Investigations unit which handles Chesapeake’s drug enforcement and who was Shivers supervisor. He pretty much repeated the history Mrs. Shivers had chronicled, but did reveal under cross examination that the raid on Frederick’s home had been carried out by the Special Investigations unit and not SWAT because Frederick was not regarded as dangerous.

After his testimony, Det. Kylie Roberts testified both about the warrant and the service of that warrant which led to Det. Shiver’s death.  I will leave reporting on the Warrant for later, as I suspect more facts on that topic will come out tomorrow and proceed with the events leading up to the evening of Det. Shiver’s death. Read the rest of this entry »

Ryan Frederick Trial Begins

January 21, 2009

A jury of 12 with 2 alternates was seated by 2:30 PM today. Jurors were questioned in groups of three yesterday and today. After the first 2 or 3 groups, the process is about as repetitive as watching a traffic light, Red comes after Yellow every damned time. Prosecutor Ebert used an analogy explaining the nature of circumstantial evidence which may come back to haunt him. As he put it. ‘If you go to bed and the ground is bare, and when you wake up it is covered  with snow, you may not have seen it snow, but you know it has occurred.’

Seating a jury did not prove all that difficult. Read the rest of this entry »

Juror Instructions Masked as Questions in Frederick Case

January 14, 2009

Wavy 10 has posted copies of the Juror Questionnaires requested by the Prosecution and the Defense in the Ryan Frederick case. Read the rest of this entry »

Pre Trial Motions for Ryan Frederick Case

September 10, 2008

Well, I finally managed to be in the right courtroom at the right time for one of these proceedings.

Today, Judge Marjorie A. T. Arrington heard pre-trial motions for the Ryan Frederick case. Four motions were filed in all. An attorney for a consortium of media interests asked that video cameras be allowed in the courtroom.The Prosecution asked for a change of venue and the Defense asked for a Severance of the Manufacturing of Marijuana charge and the Murder and use of a Firearm charges and a “Jury View” of Frederick’s home.

After hearing media attorney Conrad Shumadine, assert that, “If there’s ever a case that should be before the camera, it is this case,” and prosecutor Paul Ebert arrogantly argue that there should not be cameras because he doesn’t think they are a good idea (Seriously, that was the basis of his argument.) Judge Arrington ruled that cameras would be allowed.

Mr. Shumadine was unable to tell me if the full feed would be available or if only those excerpts chosen by television stations would be available to citizens.

The court then went on the the prosecution request for a change of venue. Read the rest of this entry »