More Malfeasance from VA Beach Police

December 11, 2008

No one likes getting a ticket. But there are times when the injustice involved should be an issue for everyone. Such is the case for a traffic ticket my daughter was given on Nov. 11 of this year.  At issue is Section 46.2-921.1 which requires drivers passing a stopped emergency vehicle displaying flashing lights to give way by changing lanes when possible. This is a reasonable regulation, one of the major dangers traffic policemen face is being struck by a car while tending to their duties. But, like many laws, its purpose can be perverted by a lazy or corrupt officer. Such is the case in VA Beach. Read the rest of this entry »

Thoughts on the 2008 VA Beach race for Mayor.

August 26, 2008

Why isn’t John Moss the front runner in this race? – by Reid Greenmun

I think the problem is that many VOTERS in VA Beach do not know Will Sessoms past record and his strong relationships with the local “who’s who” of the “insider’ business lobby. We have a lot of turn over in our city – due in part to the military folks being transferred and due in part to the changing job market in our region/city.

Because of our City Council election being moved to November (for the first time this year) a whole lot of folks that do not normally vote in City Council elections will be voting this year – and a whole lot of those “new” voters will be voting for Barack Obama. Folks, Meyera is the only person in the Beach mayoral race that is openly a DEMOCRAT. She should benefit quite well from that association.

Will Sessoms and John Moss are identified as REPUBLICANS. Scott Taylor is an independent.

From what I observe, the Republican Party base in our city is fractured and largely unenthused at the GOP choice of John McCain for President. Meanwhile, it seems to me that the Democratic faithful are highly energized, rowdy, and very enthusiastic! They are actually anxious to go to the polls! You can here the glee from the sharks as they smell blood in the water. Finally – the dark days of “Bush” and his “neo cons” have come to an end – let the party begin! Wa-hoo! Read the rest of this entry »